Lemon-Parmesan Salad Dressing

This is an easy one, folks. One whisk or shake away from a great dressing.

What you need

  • Juice of a lemon (1/2 if you don’t like it too tart)

  • 1/2 cup of olive oil

  • 1/4 cup of grated Parmesan cheese

  • salt

  • pepper

What to do

  1. Mix all the ingredients together — in a bowl with a whisk, or in a jar with a lid & shake.

  2. That’s it :) — dressing’s ready!

  3. Toss it with some salad greens to enjoy! I prefer baby kale mix, which is baby spinach, baby kale, and baby chard; the lemon in the dressing adds a nice balance to the kale & chard.


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